Tuesday, December 9, 2014

What are Minerals?

The plan for this week is to learn about minerals.  What are they?  What are there properties? Where do we use them in our lives?
To accomplish this we are taking notes about What is a Mineral?  I have a power point and then they took a few notes.  Here is a link link to the powerpoint (thanks sciencequeen) Minerals are SNIFIC.  They are solid, naturally occuring, Inorganic, Fixed composition, and have a Crystal form.
Then we are doing a Web Quest about Minerals in our lives.  Here is the  http://www.westerville.k12.oh.us/userfiles/4170/Classes/5610/Mineral%20Webquest.pdf I did a google search and came up with this.  There are several things I like about it.  It tells them several of the minerals that are around them at all times.  It is interactive and has a video with it too.
After doing this we are going to be testing actual mineral properties like streak, luster, hardness, cleavage, and color.  Next week we are going to be making crystals with bluing agent.